Currently 21/03/2014

I think it is about that time again that I tie all my thoughts up in a neat little bow with one of my Currently posts. These posts are like my pensieve… if you don’t know what a pensieve is, shame on you.


Feeling:  Scared, uncertain and in pain. Something has been happening with my hands over the past four years or so… every now and then they would just start hurting. I always thought it was due to overuse or exhaustion, I mean, I do draw for a living and use my hands for intricate little tasks every day at work. For those who do not know, I am a fashion designer – so I kind of need these hands of mine! Anyway, I’ve been on maternity leave for a little more than three months now and I have not drawn a single garment or painted a single portrait – my hands should be damn well rested. My hands started hurting again about a month ago and it has been worse than ever before, I even lost strength in parts of my right hand and dropped our glass kettle the other day. I’ve been going to my miracle worker chiro, John Thompson and I’m seeing a hand surgeon who has ruled out carpal tunnel and arthritis, but now he wants me to go for a bone scan – I just don’t have the energy. It is so difficult as I’ve been wanting to draw so badly, but I just can’t move my hand fluidly enough. This is also why my posts are going a bit slow – I’ve had to schedule a couple in advance so that things don’t go completely dead over here.

Doing: Spending as much time with the kids as I can… also trying to have has much lazy couch time as I can before I start slaving away at work…

Caffeine and Fairydust Knox & I Currently 21/03/2014

Listening to: I’m listening to quite a lot of Lana Del Rey at the moment… I am also trying to wrap my head around the whole One Direction vibe seeing as I am going to watch them live with my sisters, but other than one or two catchy songs – it is just not happening. They are pretty cute though…

Caffeine and Fairydust One Direction

Feeling thankful for: The firefighters who fought so bravely to defend our beautiful mountains and our homes during one of the worst fires Cape Town has ever seen. As always, thankful for my loving and supportive husband – he is so hands-on with the kids, I just don’t know what I’d do without him. Thankful for two amazing kids, and all the laughs that come with them. Also, that one day of winning at parenting.

Caffeine and Fairydust The Galileo Open Air Theatre

Making: A skirt for one of the fashion shows I’ll be attending. And coffee… making loads and loads of coffee.

Freaked out about: Starting my new job in 10 days time… I am so not ready. First of all, I need more maternity leave – maternity leave in South Africa sucks, secondly, I am so out of the loop when it comes to fashion… missing four months in fashion world is the equivalent of being in a coma for 20 years and waking up in the middle of one of Lady Gaga’s performances. Also.. this is pretty accurate…

Caffeine and Fairydust Fashion Designer Currently 21/03/2014

Anticipating: Our styled family photoshoot with Lauren Pretorius Photography this evening! And poor Knox has to go for his 14week vaccination next Thursday. I also started my 7 Day Juice & Soup Super Detox today….eek. Best of all, my parents will be coming down at the end of the month along with the two sisters that do not live in Cape Town – I can’t wait to see them!

Eating: Juice… and soup. And Soup and juice… and water…and some soup after juice. Mikayla is obsessed with chicken this week and Cole is going through some weird meusli phase.

Caffeine and Fairydust Juice Detox Juice Revolution Currently 21/03/2014

Watching: Nikita, the dumbest bunch of secret agents in the world. During the day I am watching Vampire Diaries… I know, but I just ran out of episodes of Revenge! Give me a break.

Loving: Himilayan salt crystal baths with candles… the ultimate form of me-time. My kids, my home, our pets…

Milestones: Knox started sleeping through the night – YAY!! and he started rolling over, so I can’t leave him alone on his playmat anymore. The day before yesterday he started hitting his dangly toy above his head and yesterday started grabbing and shaking his little rubber ball rattle… This so exciting!Caffeine and fairydust Knox Currently 21/03/2014

5 thoughts on “Currently 21/03/2014

  1. Here’s hoping the bone scan goes well. I cannot imagine the anxiety at the worry of painful hands that you need for work.
    Also – “What Anna Wintour thinks I do” TOTALLY cracked me up!

    Liked by 1 person

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